Tag Archives: Leinenkugel

And then there were three

I’m back. Some of you know the Blog Cabin slipped into the Milwaukee River from its precarious mudbank last week, but now we’ve got it hauled out and almost dry.

Anything interesting happen while I was busy with the hair dryer and towels? Probably not, I mean, what could ha- HOLY SH*T WHAT DID YOU SAY? Jim Leinenkugel out of the GOP Senate race? The one reasonable, considerable, likable Republicant is out of the race and endorsing Ron Johnson? What?

Now we’ve got three candidates on the Republicant side. Ron Johnson, who looks like the nice guy that warmly greets the FBI agent at the beginning of the movie but you just know is going to end up being the serial killer, is the leading candidate, what with lots of money and the party’s blessing.

While it sounds like a move toward Party Unity, in fact this shows the odd split the Republicants have as they attempt to figure out why the 20-year-old playbook isn’t working anymore. I believe Leinenkugel would have had a shot in the general. Johnson – he’ll have to prove himself and there is a chunk of the base that doesn’t like him.